Bullying can occur almost anywhere, but particularly where there is either inadequate or no adult supervision.

Within School

Playground – Bullying in schools frequently takes place in the playground, especially at Primary School level. School playgrounds with hidden or obscured parts away from adult supervision can provide an environment conducive to bullying, and noise levels can mask much of what is going on.

Classroom – the classroom is often reported as being the most prevalent place for bullying among Secondary Students, though it is  highly reported at Primary level also.  Despite the presence of teachers, the more subtle forms of bullying (e.g. gesture, note passing) can often occur during class, and during class breaks with the teachers out of the room other forms can be applied.

Between Classes – Toilets, corridors, cloakrooms, locker areas, changing rooms, showers and dormitories in boarding schools if not properly monitored/supervised are also reported by students as being places where they have experienced bullying.

To & From School

Students at both primary and secondary level also report that they were bullied going to or from school.  This bullying can occur as they were walking to or from home, but students have also reported that travelling on the bus (either school or public) was a prime location for being harassed.


While the home has always been considered a safe haven, in recent years the growth of and incursion of cyber-bullying has invaded that safe space.  But bullying behaviour can often begin within the home, with children learning that behaviour from parents or siblings, or indeed suffering bullying at the hands of a family member themselves.

Other Public Places

The wider community as a public place is often witness to bullying behaviours, with shop keepers, managers, and workers in the community often reporting seeing acts of physical and verbal bullying among others, by students from schools they are familiar with in the local area, while local wifi hotspots can also be utilised in facilitating cyber-bullying.

Strategies for preventing and combatting bullying in these specific areas are discussed in their own module

Domain Subcategories Supervisors Strategies
School Classroom, Corridors, Schoolyard,

Toilets, Sporting areas

Teaching and non-teaching staff, Managers etc. School policy, Curricular activities, The No-Blame approach, restructuring the playground, peer –mediators, anonymous recording boxes, team captains.
Anti-bullying awareness week
To & From School Local school buses ,

Key junction areas near schools

Bus drivers, Traffic wardens,

Parents  -volunteers

Volunteer/Parent Supervision ,

School bus bullying policy,

Traffic Wardens / Lollipop People

Home Cyberbullying threat Parents Parents’ Education, Parents’ Association Group,
Other Public Places Mall, local wifi hotspots,  open areas, sport clubs, Owners/Managers of local shops, public, police,

Local authorities intervention,  Legal authorities intervention, Local shopping areas ethos

Suggested Further Reading & Links

Where does bullying take place – Anti Bullying Net http://www.antibullying.net/knowledge/questiononemmore1to4.htm
Guidelines on Countering & Preventing Bullying - http://www.education.ie/en/Parents/Information/Complaints-Bullying-Child-Protection-Discrimination/Guidelines-on-countering-bullying-behaviour-in-primary-and-post-primary-schools.pdf
Where Does Bullying Take Place Among Adolescents When They Are at School? (2009) Annual Meeting APHA, Philadelphia, PA, November 7-11, 2009 http://www.youthhealthsafety.org/WhereBullyingAPHA09Handouts.pdf